Meeting with Unmani is meeting your True Self
Beyond all the words, concepts, philosophies and religions, there is a simple knowing that knows it all…
This knowing is sometimes called Satsang, Non-Duality, or Awakening, but it is truly beyond all words…
Unmani is a contemporary teacher, facilitator, and mentor, for those who long for deep spiritual awakening, and to explore how this is grounded in our human lives.
Unmani invites you into the essence of timeless spiritual wisdom, with a contemporary approach that actually embodies this wisdom in your daily life.
Unmani guides you to radically deconstruct your preconceived ideas about yourself, and free-fall in not-knowing. She then supports you in learning how to navigate not-knowing, so that you can grow to be more present and engaged in your life.
Unmani holds the space for you to recognise, and then cultivate Awakened Presence in your life. This offers a radical shift in perspective from a ‘small me’ to the Oneness of Life itself.
Unmani invites you to ground this Awakened Presence in self-acceptance and self-compassion, so that all aspects of your human experience is welcomed and included.
Media & Library
The Courage to Come Alive - Unmani's 3rd book is finally out in English!
Interview by MysticMag - "Going Beyond Who We Think We Are with Unmani"
Homaya Podcast - Exploring the Paradox Between Life and Death: A Deep Dive featuring Unmani
Meeting with Teachers Online | The Courage to Come Alive with Unmani - OM Foundation February 2025
‘Awakening to Wholeness’ Intensive Retreat In Portugal, April 2025
Intensive Retreat in The Netherlands – August 2025
Open Meetings: Livestreamed - 1st and 3rd Week every Month at 6pm ...all welcome
Next Event
After giving an introductory talk, Unmani invites you to come up to the front to have an intimate dialogue with her. Sometimes there will also be some time for some questions from the audience.
Retreats are a deep exploration into the truth that you most long for, the preferred approach of Unmani. together with a small group are the opportunity to get to the root of all your hopes and fears, and wake up out of the dream of separation.
Unmani offers several ways to work with her individually or in group online. Check what resonates best with you and meet the simple truth of her message.
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Take a risk to step into the unknown. Take fear by the hand and jump!
Wake up to your true nature as Life itself, and discover how life is lived as an effortless meditation of unfolding free-fall.
You are already the Truth, Freedom, Peace and Love that you have been longing for.
Never Not Free
February 2016 | Length: 07:18
Unmani introduces this very simple message, and points to what is the only constant knowing beyond thinking. This is a deceptively simple, yet radical way to be in the world.
Dip your toe into Unmani’s Message.
Upcoming Intensive Retreats
Upcoming Meetings
Awakening to Life – Intensive Group in Barao de Sao Miguel, Algarve, Portugal
Algarve, Portugal