A Call to Awaken – Online with Eveil Conscience – Event with French translation
Awakening is an endless strip-tease. We are continually invited to see where we are still believing in some kind of conclusion, or assumption about who we are and about Life itself. This endless stripping away of whatever we are holding onto, leaves us naked and vulnerable. This can be a scary and uncomfortable process, and leaves us with no firm ground under our feet. But at the same time it answers a call from who we really are, to wake up out of the dreams of the mind, and to come alive as Life itself.
Practical Information
Friday 6th October 2023 – 19:00 – 20.30 pm CEST
Online via Zoom
The online format takes place on Zoom. Here you also have the opportunity to get involved with questions, comments and personal exchange.
You can indicate the amount for your participation