Are you very sensitive?

As we see through our old beliefs about who we are, as we become more and more aware of our true nature that is unlimited and free, there can also be more and more lived sensitivity in our daily lives. We feel more subtle sensations, emotions, energies, environments. However, a very tempting trap is to start to create a new ‘very sensitive person’ identity which can be a ‘special me’ story we tell ourselves. The thinking starts to land in the conclusion that I am this kind of person, and then sneakily the walls of separation have been built up again. The truth is that whatever is felt, or sensed, although sensed fully without restriction, still does not mean anything about who you are. Feel it, live it, sense it all, but know that nothing ever means anything about you.


What is Truth?

Everyone has got a different idea of what the truth is, according to their philosophy, religion, culture, politics, and other opinions. People speak ‘their truth’ in order to defend a position, or to maintain an identity based in opinions. Thought can even say all the right non-dual words and concepts. But to really acknowledge the truth of who you are in your own direct knowing, is beyond thought. It is where thought reaches it’s limit. Only you know, and this knowing can never really be shared.


Thought believes it can protect me

Thought believes that it can protect me. Thought believes that there is a safe place away from here. Thought imagines that tomorrow will be better, that somewhere, with someone else, will be perfect. If only I can figure it all out, then I will finally be able to relax….
But in the meantime, whether we like it or not, Life is simply a wild unprotected, out-of-control, wondrously timeless mystery.


Dancing on the surface

Many so-called seekers are dancing on the surface, tasting many flowers, but never really courageously dive deep into what is real right here now. This comes from a idea that “something ‘more’ might satisfy me one day if I keep looking out there”. It is an endless agitated energy that will never be satisfied. It will always be looking for the next fix. If you really want to explore what is true, at some point you need to stop and feel what is here, instead of continuing to dance to the next flower. Feel that agitated energy when it comes up, rather than just blindly following it.


No Back Up

This is the same message as Jesus or Buddha or all the Zen Masters, but striped of any tradition, lineage, or dogmas. Once, this message used to be the secret mystical teaching that only those who had been practicing, or on the spiritual path for many years, and had attained certain spiritual qualifications to prove that he was ready, could have access to. It was greatly respected because it was understood to be truly dangerous to those who might misinterpret it. Now, in our modern age of technology this message is much more freely available (and more open to misinterpretation). However, this does not mean that it is not still mortally dangerous to what you think about yourself. If there is any kind of crack in your belief system, this message can really destroy your life as you think you know it. But if you already feel that the life you have been living, is only one pretence after another, then you are willing to risk it all, to wake up to what is true. This is the courage to stand alone.
I have no tradition. I have no lineage. I have no permission to speak from some nice old man. I stand naked with nothing to hold on to and no back-up. And yet, as Life itself, there is no way to prevent this pouring out of what is true.

Freedom despite it all

We are often searching for so-called ‘Freedom’. But more often than not, it is freedom from something that we believe is keeping us imprisoned. The Freedom I am interested in is not any kind of ‘freedom from…’ – it is ‘Freedom despite…’ It is the Freedom that doesn’t depend on the any particular experience. It is the Freedom that doesn’t wait for a change in circumstances, that doesn’t depend on a certain mood, or state of mind. This is the radical Freedom in knowing that there is no escape from the experience just as it is.