What Do You Really Know?

Usually we assume that Thought is in charge, and that whatever it says must be true. But I encourage you to check whether you can really know what you think you know. Don’t just blindly rely on thought. Is thought even really that reliable? Or is it just that it feels terrifying to really acknowledge that without relying on thought, there is such a sense of loss of control. But although it is frightening, this is the free-fall into not knowing, that we really long for. Thought is not the enemy. We don’t need to try to change or stop it. In fact it is not even important enough to try to change or stop, or to give that much attention to. It is only a servant that has taken itself to be the boss. See thought for what it really is, and know that it is ridiculous to believe much of what it says.

Dampening Ourselves

After years of holding back and dampening ourselves down in order to fit in and survive in the world, we long to come alive and live in a free and open way. But most of us just don’t know how. Recognising who you really are and knowing that the real ‘you’ has never been dampened down or held back, is just the beginning of discovering the permission to live as this in the world. It’s ok to acknowledge the lived expression of the body and what is felt right now, knowing that even this feeling as it is, is an expression of the alive freedom that you really are. This is the deepest acknowledgement that you have the right, the permission, the freedom to be just as you are.

The Storm


I love this. If you are forever waiting for the storm to pass, you will just be forever waiting. Keep stepping out of your old limited mindsets and live life right now.

The Delusion of Hope

Hope’ is usually believed to be such a good thing. People often say things like ‘when all else fails, at least we have hope’. But really to have hope is an incredible delusion that takes you on a roller-coaster up high to a perfect dream, and then crashes down to awful hellish disappointment. Instead of facing reality right now, people so often prefer the dream of hope because it seems sweeter than feeling whatever is here right now. But this hope is sickly sweet poison. It is always putting life off into an imaginary future. It is always about waiting for a ‘one day’ that will only ever be a dream. Awakening is about waking up from the sickly sweet dream of hope, and simply experiencing whatever is felt right now, whether it fits into your ideas of what should be, or not. Truly losing hope, although it can seem terrible to the thinking, is the best thing that can ever happen to you.

Birthday Girl!


As my birthday, today is the fun day that as a child was always supposed to be about ‘me’. But as a child I mostly found that to be a very confusing concept, because I couldn’t find this ‘me’.

However, in consciously acknowledging that my true nature is, and has always been, Life itself, this has opened up an acknowledging of this person – me. She is no longer denied or overlooked. She is included and celebrated. In the last few years, I have fallen more and more in love with this person, Unmani Liza, and acknowledge her as an amazing expression of Life itself. So, happy birthday to me.