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‘Awakening to Wholeness’

5 Day Intensive Retreat in Portugal

April 2025

(Exact Dates and Location TBC)

Join us for a transformative journey of awakening to yourself as Oneness beyond all separation, and also embracing the individual ‘you’ in the world.

Please note that before you book your place at an Intensive, Unmani asks that all participants come to at least one open meeting. If this is physically impossible, please make sure that you have watched several of Unmani’s free video clips available on Youtube.

Immerse yourself in embodied awakening, and discover the possibility of embracing all aspects of your true nature – your mind, your heart and body.

Meet yourself as Life itself, and, and explore how to find the courage to live as this in your daily life.

This teaching has two main streams: Awakening out of the dream of separation to a recognition of your true Self; and discovering how this Awakening can be a lived and embodied unfolding into more wholeness in your life. The journey is not over with the recognition of our true Self. Many of us have had glimpses of, or an awakening of some sort, with experiences of emptiness or bliss. But these experiences tend to fade, or we discover that we don’t know how to live now with this new recognition. The invitation of this retreat is to learn to meet all aspects of our experience, whether it is blissful, or uncomfortable. We embrace fears and old conditioning or wounds or traumas, dismantling old beliefs and identities, leaving only what is authentic. We start to live life no longer through the sense of separation, but as the Love that we truly are. In this retreat with Unmani, you will realise that you are Oneness beyond separation, and that you can live as an individual expression of this Oneness. This becomes a new way to be ‘you’, as you live life more courageously with an open heart.

Join us on this inner journey from fear to love. Bring the reality of your true Self into your everyday life.

Is this Retreat for You?

Despite the fact that the fundamental message of Nonduality is that there is nothing to get, nothing to do, and no one to do it, the reality is that unless you truly realise this yourself, there is still someone trying to do, or get something. And even if you do already realise your true nature, there is still the unraveling of who you have believed yourself to be, and the never-ending embodying of this realisation.

Although you can very easily scroll through endless teachings and teachers online, meeting a ‘live’ teacher in person, is a very different experience. Unmani has 20 years of experience in supporting people to wake up to their true nature. She has been described as an ‘energetic surgeon’ when she works with people in dialogue. Unmani meets you in whatever confusion or misunderstanding is there, and guides you back to clarity. Although there may be many words, what she invites you into, is beyond all the words.

At a retreat with Unmani you are devoting yourself to meeting Yourself. In our usual daily life, we tend not to have enough time to deeply connect with what is true and real as we are often too busy running from one thing to the next. When you come to a retreat with Unmani you disengage from the routines and unhealthy habits of your daily life, and give yourself the gift of this time for rejuvenation and self-nourishment.

Unmani holds the paradox of the Awareness beyond the whole of experience, and also dives deep into the personal experience as well. This means that coming to a retreat can mean that you discover more clarity, focus and freedom in all kinds of areas of your human life. This paradox of the impersonal and the personal, brings so much freedom and courage to live from your heart in your daily life.

Unmani’s message is not only in her words but also in the energy field. She speaks from that ‘beingness’ that awakens to itself when it is heard. While the words are used to undo confusion and misunderstandings, it is also about resonating with what is happening, beyond all the words.

‘If you really step out of the way, and stop assuming you can control it, you will see what this Life energy does on its own. Risk living in wonder and surprise.’
~ Unmani

Why Come to a Retreat with Unmani?

  • Disconnect from all the noise and distractions and turn your attention inwards. This will inevitably create a sense of well-being and spaciousness in itself.
  • A time to to truly focus on yourself and to listen to your deepest longing.
  • To be held in a supportive and safe space where you can meet, and learn to embrace all aspects of yourself.
  • Cultivate a heightened awareness of this simple present experience, and savour its richness and beauty through guided meditations and exercises with Unmani.
  • As you realise that you are not the mind, you may find more joy and simplicity in your daily experience.
  • Discover that everything that you have ever longed for, is right here in this moment.
  • In this retreat you will navigate some challenging or confronting emotions, beliefs or held identities, and develop the courage to meet them fully, while simultaneously knowing that they don’t mean anything about you. This encourages a life dedicated to living as the Love that you are, despite whatever challenging times you go through in your life.
  • You will learn to accept, appreciate and have compassion for, this human that lives in this world in time and space, and all that you have endured or achieved. This inevitably will bring more experiences of joy, ease and freedom.
  • Discover a new way to be ‘you’ in the world. A way of living that is courageous, empowered, and yet sensitive, responsive and open hearted.
  • Connect with people who share a similar love of truth and are also on a journey of self-discovery. This sense of community and support that develops during these retreats is a rare thing in our modern mostly virtual life-styles.
  • Spend time connecting to yourself in the beautiful nature of Portugal and meet the inner joy that is your true nature.

What to Expect?

Each day starts with free-style movement session with music where you can move any way you feel to, and open your body for the day. These sessions end with silent stillness.

We meet for 3 daily group sessions with Unmani each one is an hour and half with a tea break in between.

These sessions will include:

– guided meditations,
– silence
– talks on Awakening, Truth, the nature of the mind and many other themes.
– Dialogues where you can explore, investigate and feel into any area of your own unique path with Unmani’s personalised guidance, energetic holding, and reflection.
– Opportunity for questions and answers and general sharing.
– Other activities which support the continuing questioning and dissolution of beliefs and identities involving creativity and movement

There will be free time each afternoon to integrate the sessions in your own way, to rest, take a walk or go to the beach.

We will arrange a group dinner on the last evening so that everyone can celebrate and connect with each other before we go home.


‘More than any other retreat, Unmani’s intensives leave you nowhere to go but to come face to face with the truth of who you are.’

About Waking Up

‘Awakening is about waking up out of the cosy and familiar dream that you have been used to, and falling into the unknown present. It is the end of all your hopes and dreams, and about really stopping and facing your fears. It is not to be seen lightly as a hobby or pastime, or a way to treat your daily suffering. It is a matter of life or death. Recognizing who you really are, will destroy you and your whole life as you know it. And at the same time you will feel more alive than ever!’

~ Unmani

About the Region

One of the most appealing aspects of the Western Algarve is its breathtaking beaches. From the expansive stretches of golden sand to the secluded coves and bays, there’s a beach to suit every taste. The region also boasts numerous walking trails that wind through the stunning countryside, offering breathtaking views of the coastline and the rolling hills. There are also several quaint villages to explore, each with its own character.

The retreat will be held near the charming village of Barao de Sao Joao which is a few minutes drive inland from the coast.


This retreat is non-residential which means that you will need to arrange your own accommodation and meals. We can recommend several options in the area depending on your budget and preference.

We recommend that you rent a car to get around more easily. If this is not possible, there are buses in the area and we can also put you in touch with others in the group with whom you could share lifts.

The retreat itself will be held at a venue near Lagos in the Western Algarve (the exact address will be provided with booking).

Watch a short video about these Intensive Retreats in Portugal here.

A Typical Day

8:00 AM: Time for your own nourishing morning routine
10:00 AM: Session with Unmani
11:30 AM: Tea break
12:00 PM: Session with Unmani
1:30 PM: Lunch and freetime to relax, go for a walk, go to the beach, socialise or be alone.
5.30 PM: Session with Unmani
7.00PM: Occasional dinner together


The nearest airport is Faro Airport. We recommend hiring a car. However, we can also connect you with other participants who are driving. There is also a good bus service in the area.

You will receive more detailed directions and information once you book your place.

Dates & Details

Check in: TBC
Check out: TBC

Your registration includes:

– 3 daily sessions with Unmani (1.5 hour each)
– a small group of up to 20 people
– each session includes sharings and intimate dialogues
– full participation is asked
– talks
– guided meditations
– non-verbal activities (dance, creative expression) that offer ways of exploring truth beyond the words and concepts
– Songs by Robert Hanuman, based on Unmani’s words
– All sessions will be recorded for your own personal viewing after the retreat
– afternoons to reflect, to explore the area, to go to the beach, or nature walks, to socialize or to be on your own


In-person: €550
Online: €350

Early bird: until 1st January!

In-person: €475
Online: €295

If you would really like to join us but have genuine financial difficulties, please email

Booking Procedure

To confirm your place at the intensive a non-refundable deposit of €250 of the cost is required at the time of booking. Payment can be made online via PayPal using a debit or credit card or by bank transfer. If you would like to pay in another currency or would like details to pay by bank transfer, please specify details in the booking form.

If you would like to come to the intensive but have sincere financial difficulties, please contact us to enquire about discounts and helping out at the intensive.


A deposit of €250 of the cost is non-refundable.

Please ensure that you read the Booking and Cancellation Policy carefully before you book.