Join the ‘Love of Truth Community’

A space where Truth is lived

We would love to have you as part of our community

If you are in love with the truth…
If you long to live the truth in your daily experience…
If you deeply resonate with Unmani’s teaching…
If you would like to work regularly with Unmani…
If you have been touched by Unmani’s work, and would like to support it…

Join our Love of Truth Community

When you join, you get
2 exclusive meetings a month for members only, free access to Unmani’s regular open webinars, discounts on retreats, community sharing and more…

What is included?

  • Twice Monthly Meetings for Love of Truth Community Members Only

    Twice a month you will be invited to join an exclusive online meeting for members of the community only. This is an opportunity to come together with Unmani and other lovers of the truth to rest in the knowing of your true nature, ask questions, have dialogues with Unmani, and to share and explore whatever has been touched in your daily life.


    As a Love of Truth Community member you will have access to a private sharing group in a safe platform. This is a place for interacting and sharing with other lovers of the truth about whatever is touched in the meetings with Unmani, and is integrated in your lives.

  • Monthly individual dialogues with other community members

    Each month you will have a ‘buddy’ from the community to meet with and share your journey.


    Any time you can ask Unmani to respond to a particular question or speak on a theme for future webinars.

  • Discount for Retreats

    10% discount for all intensive retreats (including Online) with Unmani (Discount applicable on teaching costs only)

    As a Love of Truth Community member we would like to encourage you to also meet Unmani in person at her residential and online intensive retreats.  There you can deepen your self-exploration by joining Unmani and other like-minded people in a more intensive way.

  • Free E-Book

    As a free gift when you join the community, you will receive the eBook version of Unmani’s book I am Life itself (usual price €12)
    This book includes Unmani’s story and her first teaching from 2002.

How does it work?

          • First you need to decide whether you will make monthly payments, or subscribe for a whole year (the cheaper option). Payments are made via Paypal or credit card. If you would like to set up a direct debit by bank transfer then please email us for information about how to set that up.
          • You will then receive your free gifts: Unmani’s book ‘I am Life itself’ as an E-Book, and the Video Album as soon as you join.
          • Twice a month, Mondays at 6pm GMT, you will be invited to join the Love of Truth Community members-only meetings, and in case you can not join live, you can still watch the recording later in your own time.
          • You will be sent the link to join the Open Webinars on different themes (every month) and will also receive recordings.
          • You will be given access to a private online community sharing space where you can immediately start to share, question or suggest themes for future webinars.
          • You will be able to use your ‘Love of Truth Community’ discount at all of Unmani’s retreats (online or in person) as soon as you join the community.

Join the community and support Unmani’s work

Sign up now!

One-Time Donation

Alternatively, you can support Unmani’s work with a one-time donation.

Your donation will also help us to offer more scholarships to those who can not afford to pay the full price for Unmani’s events.

As much as we appreciate your generosity, a one-time donation does not give you access to the the Love of Truth Community.

Comments from recent experiences with Unmani: