A Teacher or Facilitator

People will either put so-called ‘teachers’ up on a pedestal position, or will crash them down and trash them. Both are an illusory, and both are a way of not meeting directly whatever is here.
Although it does seem that I am teaching, or rather facilitating, something, the message is really about seeing through any boundaries or positions, including my own.

If you really have a passion for the truth, you will question any and every position that you find yourself protecting or defending.

It is an endless losing any position that you think you are standing in.

I have no choice but to live like this myself and it leaves nothing to hold on to. Absolute vulnerability, and endless humility (and even humiliation). Being open to being touched by it all. And simultaneously, the knowing that the whole thing is simply a play of itself.

I find myself playing the role of the facilitator for people in their exploration into the truth of who they are. And every time I sit with someone, the truth is that they are always me. It is always an exploration into myself, and every person is always playing it out in me. When it is interpreted by thought, it is misunderstood again and again, in one way or another. It is mistakenly assumed that it is about me as some kind of special person, or that it is about having some kind of special experience. But when it is recognised and resonated with, there is a meeting the wholeness of Life itself, beyond you or me, beyond all the words, concepts, boundaries, and positions.


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